Somewhere between 1913 and 1915, Russian avant-garde artist Kazimir Malevich invented SUPREMATISM. This word comes from the Latin SUPREMUS - the superior, and means the absolute superiority of pure color and simple lines over any other forms of painting. The dye the artist uses, like the lines that the artist draws, are no longer the tools for just copying nature. “The rooster's cry, the door’s creaking and the dog's barking can be cleverly reproduced with the violin, but it will never be recognized as art”, said Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky. But pure, abstract and non-objective art equalizes the creative power of the man and the nature.
All in all, abstract thinking, the ability not to copy the existing things, but to imagine and create something that has never existed - this is what tells a man from a monkey.
We believe that abstract jewelry is the most humane jewelry possible. Because it does not imitate nature with its flowers, twigs, butterflies or cats. Because your abstract jewelry says about you: I am a human. I have the power to invent and create something that did not exist before me, and that could never have happened if I did not exist.

Эль Лисицкий
The artist and architect El Lissitsky was the first to figure out how to translate simple and clean forms of abstract art into volume - as they would say today, in 3D. “The canvas has become too small for me,” Lissitsky wrote. - And I created Proun – Project of the statement of new". Proun is abstract painting, wich looks like architectural graphics. This is an equilibrium of geometrical bodies, either standing on a solid foundation, or floating in space. Proun is “a world-building that is capable of self-development. This is an artistic text, leaving room for many perceptions and extensions”.

Василий Кандинский
“There is a crack in our soul, and if you can touch the soul, it sounds like a cracked precious vase found in the depths of the earth”. Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky knew how colors sound, and heard them like music. Music is the most abstract of all arts. It shows nothing concrete, but it wakes up our imagination. As notes add up to melody, so Kandinsky’s colors and forms add up to “sounding” pictures. “The color is the key; the eye is the hammer; the soul is a multi-stringed grand piano. An artist is a hand that, with this or that key, vibrates the human soul”.

Казимир Малевич
What is the "trick" of the “Black Square”? For Kazimir Malevich, this was the “first step of pure creativity,” free from the repetition of all that already was, was, was. "Black Square" separated the art of yesterday from tomorrow’s art. Malevich called his square "zero forms" - the zero point, which leaves everything old behind, from which everything new begins. Malevich hit the nail! Black square - this is what we call a “new start” or a “new beginning”. When the past is over, but the future is only a fascinating uncertainty, , where anything can happen: new life, new people, new you. But for now there is only a black square.