vc 52520109gf
«Gothic Reflections» thin bracelet (magenta)
Sterling silver, rhodium plated
Anodized titanium inlay with unusual "velvety" texture
3 сolors of inlays: azure, magenta or aquamarine.
The length of the bracelet is 17 cm,
plus 3 cm extension chain
Цвета вставок - лазурь, маджента или аквамарин. Размер браслета 17см, плюс размерная цепочка 3 см.Weight3.2 gr
Diameter15 mm
Notre Dame de Paris is beautiful in any weather, at any time of the day and from any angle. But still the best view of it opens from Quay de Montebello, where the second-hand booksellers and street artists are lokated. From here, the most beautiful southern stained-glass window is perfectly visible. Its "gothic rose" is a terrific combination of luxury and austerity, delicate laces and clear symmetry. There is nothing surprising in the fact that this rose was the first inspiration for our “Gothiс Reflections” collection.
The shape and the structure of this "Gothic Rose" found the smoothed reflection in sterling silver frame, while the overall violet tone of the stained glass is repeated with the color of a titanium insert, with golden "sun" in the center and blue "horizon" along the circumference. Titanium is hand-worked and painted by electrochemical anodizing. Its mirror-polished surface reflects the light.